Thursday, 29 March 2012


I'll be assessing your products and evaluations over the next two weeks.
Ensure all blogs are in detail and complete. Title redirection to slide share where necessary.
TV Drama...I suggest practise on iplayer, Downton Abbey- social class; Waterloo Rd- age; eastenders - race; all gender, sexuality and disability
Institutions and Audiences....Apple, launch of IPad 3, iphone5, how are their campaigns structured, who is TA, how are they targeted? What values and ideologies influence Institution? How to they benefit from globalisation? Convergence, etc. What about Nintendo, X-box, etc....
Look at OCR past papers and support. Spend an hour/2 per day and then watch tele, news, beware of Media around you.

Friday, 23 March 2012

And that's it folks

So all bogs finished? Ppt emailed to me after being uploaded to slide share? All videos dealt with? Seeing you all Wednesday for signing off.
Had a look and I'm not smiling people.
Danny has the idea but your answers are too skinny.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Your videos are available in the sixth form common area; Media Studies; Foundation Portfolio.....
The play with Windows and are there to add to your slideshows, PPT and Blogs as you see fit.

Looking forward to your final products THIS FRIDAY.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Feedback and final stages

I'd like to congratulate you all for some fantastic presentations, especially Christopher and Connor.

Please ensure you respond to all feedback given and you improve and complete:
  • PPT presentations, fix animation so they play automatically and then upload to
  • post link to your PPT on your blog
  • email your final PPT to me
  • Finish final tweaking of your products according to the feedback given (16/3/12)
  • Finish adding your annotate and analused products to your Blogs
  • Add you expicit evaluations (using key questions) to your Blogs (23/3/12)

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

OK panic on dance floor....

SO the players met and revealed their cards...........

Friday 2/3/12: informal production presentation
Monday 5/3/12: finalise presentations / products
Wednesday 7/3/12: Presentations: Billy; Jerome; Allin; Chris
Friday 9/3/12: Presentations: Danny; Mahdi; Connor; Mikey
Friday16/3/12: All Products and PP to Ms Norville (final deadline)
Friday23 /3/12: All blogs complete

Friday, 24 February 2012

Friday 24th

By the end of today you must have:
  • emailed your front cover - final; contents page final; draft / final double page
  • updated your blogs
For Wenesday 29th:
  • have a powerpoint presentation for presentation
  • answer all 8 evaluation questions
  • talk through the process of your product creation
Ensure you use:
  • technical vocabulary
  • Print / magazine terminology
  • specific identification of TA and how your product meets their needs
  • look at example evaluations - navigate from my blog to previous students and other examples - see links on right of my blog

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Oh dear

Just checked your Blogs and I'm not happy. Will you parent's be?
I will be calling home on Friday if I don't see progress and quality defection, analysis of process and evaluation.
Got it working.
No official lesson tomorrow.
You do need to ensure that front page and contents are finished and emailed to me.
You need to work on double pages. I will be in A4 if you need advice. If you didn't see Mr W on Monday you will need to speak to him.
Presentations of your work, including evaluations are due 29th, in a week's time. These will be filmed. Look at student common room examples and explore this blog for further examples. All 8 questions must be explicitly answered.

Wednesday 22nd lesson cancelled but room open for completion of double pages

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Presentation 29th February 2012
1.    Present your products to peers / class for evaluation
2.    Record the feedback given and how you could use it
3.    Record what you have learnt about production, techniques and print media in this task
Evaluation 20%
In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:
4.    In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
5.    How does your media product represent particular social groups?
6.    What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
7.    Who would be the audience for your media product?
8.    How did you attract/address your audience?
9.    What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
10.  Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
11. Submit your products and records                                                               Due 08/3/12

When was the last time you updated your blog?

Remember your blog is your electronic record of the provess you are undertaking.

Each time you have worked  on your product you should be recording:
  1. What was your original aim - what did you plan to achieve in this session?
  2. What did you do?
  3. How did you do it?
  4. What problems did you encounter?
  5. How / did you solve them?
  6. What do you intend to do next?
I will be checking on Friday 3rd February.


PS  If you have any of your CWS work in this Blog move it to a subsidury blog - ask me if this is confusing.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


To do:
  • using the coursework brief (Student Drive: Media: As: Portfolio) design a time line for your production.  Working back from the deadline (using a calendar) work out your production schedule.
  • Equipment:  What resources do you need to complete this brief?
  • Shooting:  Who is your model?  Where will you shoot?  When?  Costume? props? Lights?
  • Frontcover:  What will it look like?  Fonts, colours, text, images?  Sketch and a#scan your design ideas
  • Content / Double page (as above)
Lots to do - and lets not forget your new Monday p5 lesson.


Friday, 20 January 2012

Thanks for your powerpoints

But what do you have to do now?

PPs need to be improved: upload PP to Blog
  • Define your Genre in detail, add example artists / tract / links to You Tube / Amazon
  • Define your TA in more detail - look at the representation within the magazine: Age; Sex; Gender; Race; religion; socio-economic status; lewvel of education; beliefs....
  • Annotate one front cover using technical vocabulary; identify the features all music mags have in common (codes and conventions)
  • Create a 'Top Tips' - what to do list for all those wanting to make a music magazine
  • Explain what you intend to do as a result of your research - Your Plan
When? By 27th January 2012

Monday 23rd - Start making.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

So you didn't like the homework?

New Deadlines:

Complete research by 13th - look back at other Blogs / Student common room
  • Complete PP presentation of your research
  • Include: analysis / deconstruction of a minimum of 3 music magazines
  • Identify target audience based on codes and conventions of the magazines
  • identify genre based on codes and conventions
  • what ideologies / beliefs are promoted by the magazine?
  • how is advertising used on front cover
Deadline:18th January

Complete the planning sheet on the student commonromm for 20th january - upload / post to your blogs with the powerpoint.
