Wednesday, 25 January 2012


To do:
  • using the coursework brief (Student Drive: Media: As: Portfolio) design a time line for your production.  Working back from the deadline (using a calendar) work out your production schedule.
  • Equipment:  What resources do you need to complete this brief?
  • Shooting:  Who is your model?  Where will you shoot?  When?  Costume? props? Lights?
  • Frontcover:  What will it look like?  Fonts, colours, text, images?  Sketch and a#scan your design ideas
  • Content / Double page (as above)
Lots to do - and lets not forget your new Monday p5 lesson.


Friday, 20 January 2012

Thanks for your powerpoints

But what do you have to do now?

PPs need to be improved: upload PP to Blog
  • Define your Genre in detail, add example artists / tract / links to You Tube / Amazon
  • Define your TA in more detail - look at the representation within the magazine: Age; Sex; Gender; Race; religion; socio-economic status; lewvel of education; beliefs....
  • Annotate one front cover using technical vocabulary; identify the features all music mags have in common (codes and conventions)
  • Create a 'Top Tips' - what to do list for all those wanting to make a music magazine
  • Explain what you intend to do as a result of your research - Your Plan
When? By 27th January 2012

Monday 23rd - Start making.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

So you didn't like the homework?

New Deadlines:

Complete research by 13th - look back at other Blogs / Student common room
  • Complete PP presentation of your research
  • Include: analysis / deconstruction of a minimum of 3 music magazines
  • Identify target audience based on codes and conventions of the magazines
  • identify genre based on codes and conventions
  • what ideologies / beliefs are promoted by the magazine?
  • how is advertising used on front cover
Deadline:18th January

Complete the planning sheet on the student commonromm for 20th january - upload / post to your blogs with the powerpoint.
